Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Norovirus: What Is It?

In my last post, I mentioned "norovirus." This is one of the things that scares many people away from taking a cruise. But just what exactly is norovirus, how dangerous is it, and how prevalent is it on cruise lines?

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), noroviris is the stomach flu. You know, barfing and...well, you know.... This is not some strange, rare disease that will put you in the hospital. But cruise ships take it seriously. If you come down with it, the ship's doctor will quarantine you in your cabin--not that you will feel like waltzing around the ship anyhow. And I have been on a ship concerned with norovirus. They will put bleach everywhere and not allow you to get any of your food on your own; everything will be ladeled onto your plate if you are going through a cafeteria line.

According to the Cruise Line International Association, "It is estimated by the CDC that 23 million Americans contract norovirus every year, or one in every 12 people, when less than one in every 3,600 cruise passengers has actually been affected by norovirus."


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